Vacation 2011

Vacation 2011

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Book Review- Living with Less: An unexpected key to happiness

Book Review:
Just finished reading this book that is coming out today. To say I loved it would be an understatement. For someone like me, who tends to be scattered and stressed on a regular basis this book was a huge breath of fresh air and an new outlook on my life and my family.
The author, had such a simple but profound truth to share with readers. Living with Less is a book about just that living with less. In our culture today it seems like this would not be a very popular message but it should be. The author brings the focus back onto the life we all would want. One where you can focus on the things most important to you. When asking yourself what's the most important thing to me, the answer isn't usually my piles of clothes or my skis. It's usually family, faith, love. Not materialsitc things.
Simply put this book changed my life and outlook. I highly recommend that you read it and see what it has to offer. It will free you to  live the way God had in mind. As the author points out Jesus Chist is the perfect example of livng with less and serving others. This lifestyle will free you to do the things most important  and closest to your heart. You'll spend less time maintaining your stuff and more time with the things that make you live vibrantly!

Here's where you can find out more, Joshua Becker's website;

The Kindle version is available here:
The paperback version is available here: 

I would recommend this book to anyone and everyone and I hope you do as well. Also I have found the Becoming Minnimalist website extremely inspiring and helpful!

God Bless! <3 Marissa

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