Vacation 2011

Vacation 2011

Monday, February 11, 2013

Boundaries... not so scary after all!


Boundaries.... not such a scary thing after all!
As a long time people pleaser I used to get pretty squeamish about the word boundaries..... It made me pretty nervous. I mean, boundaries are restrictions right?? They are meant to put up a wall betwween you and another person and that means your being unreasonable and mean... right??
Recently I'm learning this is not true at all. I am falling in love with boundaries and the life and  freedom God intends for us when we install healthy boundaries in our lives.God did not intend for us to live our lives at the whim and ever changing feelings of those around us. He meant us for so much more. If we are constantly worried and stressed about the people in our lives and what they might think of what we are doing, we leave no room for a Heavenly Father who is all knowing and loving. Living how others think you should is never easy or fun, and actually impossible. There are many people in our lives, if we try to please all of them we run in circles like a dog chaisng it's tail but never really getting there.
I choose to live within healthy boundaries. I fail sometimes but more and more I am making better choices. I choose to listen to my Heavenly Father over any other voices. I choose to hope. Hope is a wonderful thing. On your darkest days hope is a choice to see a better tomorrow. Hope is the choice to trust the promises of God and not listen to the lies of the Great Deceiver. God gives us hope, thru his Son. We need to choose that hope.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Do what you can with what you have

As I am sitting here drinking my morning coffee, I have been thinking about this verse. Given my current situation with my eyesight I have the temptation to be depressed and negative about all the things that I can't do, instead of looking at the things I can do.

If we focus on all the things we are not capable of doing at any particular moment then the Devil wins, he gets the satisfaction of a Christian who is complacent and not moving. When we are focused on what we cannot do, we are not doing what we can.

I'm thinking this is not what God has planned for the people He loves and died for. I know that God has a plan and  purpose for each of our lives. That means nothing is a surprise to HIm and nothing is beyond His control or reach. I take comfort in this today. I know God has things for me to do today. All I am to do is do the next thing in front of me.

I pray that God will continue to lead me to what He has for me to do. All any of us can do is do what we can with what we have. God gives us everything we need for each day and each task in front of us. We need to rely on God, HIs power and His strength to work through us as we move forward each day!

We can choose to hope, to move forward, and to live in the joy and grace of God. Our heavenly Father is full of love for us we need to accept the gift and do what we can with what He has given us!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Jeremiah 29:11

Today I am holding on to this verse with all that I have.  This seems to be my life verse and what more could you ask for? That God has it covered. He knows what will happen and not only does He know, He loves us enough to care taht we have a hope and a future. I am resting in this today.
I went back to the eye doctor last week, after not going in almost a year. The news was not great and I was caught off guard. I am not able to drive anymore and also I am only one letter away from being completely legally blind. Thankfully God already knew what the news was and He has a plan
I'm not sure what the future holds but I am working on just trusting. The last week has been rough, I've been very depressed and only focusing on the negative. Today I choose hope, I choose joy and I choose God's plan over my own. I let go of control, sometimes minute by minute and I choose to rest in the love of my Heavenly Father.